Rubber Garage Flooring: Is It The Right Choice For You?
When you start thinking about laying down flooring in your garage, there are a few things you need to decide before looking at your options. First, does the floor simply need to be covered or does it require repair and leveling? Each different type of Garage Flooring has its pros and cons and we will discuss the best option for these needs. Second, will you be refinishing the floor yourself or hiring someone to do the work? If you want to do this yourself, you have to consider whether or not you're comfortable with the installation process. So when you do go shopping for your actual garage floor covering, any retailer should be able to explain the installation instructions. Also don't forget to account for installation in your budget if you do plan to hire a contractor. The interlocking rubber floor tiles are one of the easiest types of Rubber Garage Flooring to install. You simply lock each individual piece together along the edge, providing a soft but durable surface. Damaged pieces can easily be replaced by simply unlocking one mat and putting a new one in its place which makes maintenance a snap. The mats can be found in a wide variety of colors so creative designs are an option. However, these garage floor tiles are all the same thickness so they will do nothing to level uneven floors and if the mats are not carefully fitted, liquid can potentially get underneath. Almost as easy to install is a rollout system. Lengths of vinyl or other plastic material are rolled on to the floor after an adhesive has been applied. It's important to work quickly so the adhesive does not dry before the covering is put down, but you must also work carefully to avoid air bubbles beneath the new surface. DO NOT apply adhesive to the entire floor before you begin. Work down one area of the garage at a time. Another common Garage Flooring option is epoxy garage floor coating which yields a very hard work surface. One of the main benfits of this sealant is that you are essentially applying a brand new floor to your garage or workshop. Two compounds are mixed together and when they bond and dry they create a very solid surface. Speckles or dyes can added into the mix for eye appeal and it is then spread on to the garage floor while still wet. Once dry, it acts as a barrier against water and accidental chemical spills. Be prepared to spend more time if you choose to do this type of installation yourself. You must also carefully and thoroughly clean and prepare the floor before applying the resurfacing treatment. The choices in the type of flooring for the garage are varied. And all solutions can be a beautiful upgrade to your home. But your best option depends on what you hope to accomplish. Understand what you need and consider both the advantages and disadvantages of each type of Garage Flooring before making a final choice. |